Infinity-Box BEST NK2 Service Tool V1.20 Crackk

Infinity-Box BEST NK2 Service Tool ) by Infinity Team is a new flash and repair tool for Nokia phones brought to you by Infinity team. 
BEST can flash and repair all Nokia BB5 phones including latest Rapuyama, Broadcom and other devices.

 BEST supports dead USB flashing, normal USB (alive) flashing, BB5 fast flashing, custom flashing, Dead-to-Test operation, read RPL via USB, user data extraction and more !!
BEST is a dongle protected software, you can use with UFS, SHU interfaces.

InfinityNokia_Free_Release.rar ( 271MB )

Nk 220 4G - TA-1148, TA-1155, TA-1171 
- Identify, check securiy 
- Reset Settings/Format FS 
- Read UserCode - Backup security HMD Nk 2.3 Ironman Nk 2.3 
- TA-1206, TA-1209, TA-1211, TA-1214 
- Identify - Flash Firmware 
- Reset Settings/Format FS 
- Reset FRP 
- Base 
Loader database updated 
ModelFinder updated 
Bugfixes and minor changes 
Flash Engine updated 
Updated loader database 
Nk 2.3 support activated in standalone mode 
 - SPD FP 
SVC engine updated 
Nk 220 4G support activated ( partial ) 
UserCode reading revised 
Identify revised 
 - Support 
New firmwares for supported models can be found at support area 
New drivers for 105/110/220 can be found at support area

How Use :
Step 1. Download file 
Step 2. Extra with WinRar or Zip on Drive C: 
Step 3 . Run file ElitEnd_Loader.exe with as Admin

About the author

Nguyễn Minh Phương
"một sáng khi con tỉnh giấc
Mặt Trời chưa mọc đằng đông
cửa nhà chắn hết mưa giông
vỡ tan nằm im ngoài cửa"

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